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BUSN 3100 Principles of Marketing:

An overall view of the field of marketing and the theory of consumer and enterprise demand. Emphasis is given to consumer behavior, advertising, social responsibility, marketing strategies, market potential, product planning and development, market research, pricing, sales promotion, channels of distribution and government regulation.

Our main focus will be on the strategies and tactics related to the 4P’s of marketing: 1) product, 2) price, 3) place, and 4) promotion. We will also discuss ethics, social responsibility, creating value, marketing research, developing marketing strategies, consumer behavior, segmenting markets, and the positioning, creating, branding, pricing, distributing, selling, and advertising of products.

Principles in Marketing (external link, click here)
Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing – not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today’s environment: Service dominant logic, sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, global coverage, and metrics.

Principles in Marketing (2015). (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition). Minneapolis, MN. Retrieved from

BUSN 3140 Consumer Behavior:

An interdisciplinary approach to understanding consumer motivation and behavior. The relationship of information processing and learning theory on buyer behavior, importance and measurement of images and attitudes, theories of promotion and communication, and models of consumer behavior. Consumerism. Application of theoretical principles to advertising, positioning, segmentation, and product strategies.

Our focus will be on four Learning Modules: 1) consumers in the marketplace, 2) consumers as individuals, 3) consumers as decision makers, and 4) consumers and subcultures. We will explore how perceptions, learning, memory, personality, and attitudes impact the behavior of consumers, how consumption patterns change based on a consumer’s life stage, and how culture and sub-culture impacts consumer behavior.

Consumer Behavior and PR (external link, click here)
Written by Breda McCarthy, this book has been used to teach BUSN 3140 Consumer Behavior.

BUSN 3200 Principles of Management:

This course explores the functions of the manager and the organization and operation of American business. Also we cover management processes, concepts, and specific problems of production, management, labor relations, marketing, financing, decision making and accounting.

Our focus for this course will be on 5 Modules:

1) understanding managers,
2) assessing the environment in which managers must manage,
3) developing plans and strategies,
4) organizing and controlling, and
5) leading individuals and groups in an ethical manner.

Principles in Management (external link, click here)
Principles of Management teaches management principles to tomorrow’s business leaders by weaving three threads through every chapter: strategy, entrepreneurship and active leadership.

Principles in Management (2015). (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition). Minneapolis, MN. Retrieved from

BUSN 4100 Seminar in Marketing Research:

This course focuses on techniques of marketing research, including research design, use of primary and secondary data, questionnaire construction, sample selection, data collection and analysis, report writing, and applications of research to the solution of marketing problems.

Essentials of Marketing Research (external link, click here)
Written by by Paurav Shukla, this book has been used to teach BUSN 4100 Seminar in Marketing Research.

BUSN 4101 Seminar in Strategic Marketing:

Equips students with marketing decision making skills through case study analysis and demonstrates how to develop a strategic marketing plan. Emphasis on the integration of marketing research, market segmentation, targeting, and positioning; and product, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies. Importance of marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility in decision making. This course is writing-intensive.

Strategic Marketing (external link, click here)
Written by Andrew Whalley, this book has been used to teach BUSN 4101 Seminar in Strategic Marketing.